Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ode to a Treadmill

After just having completed yet another treadmill workout while its freezing outside, I'm once again reminded of my love hate relationship with my treadmill. On the one hand, yes I know I'm VERY fortunate to even have this piece of equipment IN MY HOUSE no less, so I CAN run when I'm too wimpy to brave the cold, or its just too dark. On the other hand, I can hardly stand being on it...its SO BOOOORING!

I've tried music, I've tried movies,but generally the treadmill is too loud to hear anything from the tv in the basement unless I turn it up to hearing loss levels, but yet I still find it mentally difficult not only to actually do a treadmill workout, but to PUSH myself on it. I always seem to fall into...well as long as I get the mileage in, that's ok right? No speed intervals, no hills, just flat, monotonous running...

So, I guess I need to make a plan to get more out of my workouts. I do want to actually improve my running speed, so I need to start on that. Now to just find a training plan to do that.....its seems like everything I find is "couch to 5k", "how to run your 1st 5k", not "how do I kill a 5K"? I guess that's my own challenge I need to work through. I almost wish I had run in my younger days so I would have some coaching info to draw from, but alas, its just me and the Internet I fear. Maybe the local running store geeks can help come to think of it.....

Happy running!

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